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Scrrun Dll Was Unable To Register ^HOT^

Regsvr32 is a command-line utility to register and unregister OLE controls, such as DLLs and ActiveX controls in the Windows Registry. Regsvr32.exe is installed in the %systemroot%\System32 folder in Windows XP and later versions of Windows. Note On a 64-bit version of Windows operating system, there are two versions of the Regsv32.exe file:

scrrun dll was unable to register

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Method 2: Use the 32-bit version of Regsvr32 to register a 32-bit DLL on a 64-bit version of WindowsIf you receive an error when registering a 32-bit DLL on a 64-bit version of Windows, follow these steps:

Regsvr32.exe was unable to find the required entry point in the module specified in the command line. This can occur if the entry points are not exported correctly from the module or if the module is not a .DLL or .OCX file.

For example, typing regsvr32 icwdial.dll returns this error message because the Icwdial.dll file is not self-registerable. If you suspect a corrupted version of Dllname is in memory, try restarting your computer or re-extract the original version of the file.

From Winerror.h, 0x000001f = 31 (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE). This means "A device attached to the system is not functioning." This behavior can occur if you try to register a Win16 .dll file. For example, typing regsvr32 dskmaint.dll returns this error message.

This behavior may occur if you try to register a DLL by using Regsrv32 while you are logged on using an account that does not have administrative credentials, such as an account that is a member of the standard users group. An account that does not have administrative credentials cannot write to the registry or change files in the System32 folder.

Also when you register the component make sure you use the 32-bit version of regsvr32.exe.If you simply run regsvr32.exe in a elevated prompt, it will default take the standard 64-bit version (which oddly enough is located in C:\Windows\System32)

It really looks as though the object you are referencing is not registered on the system. I know you said it's installed, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's registered. To confirm this, search for the progID that you used in your registry.

I would search for Scripting.FileSystemObject in the registry. Then I would look at registry key above the found value, for InProcServer32 value. This will give you the path to the ActiveX file that it was registered from (for Scripting.FileSystemObject the file is "c:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll").

If you can't find your progID in the registry, then it's not registered on your system which is your problem. If it's not registered you need to find out what file registers it, which is usually an .ocx or a .dll in the same folder path of your third party app, and then register these file(s). Here is the command to register a file:

Even if you find the progID value in the registry and it references a file that is present on your system, you may still want to try re-registering the file. I have found that sometimes the registration got broken somehow somewhere and it was easier to re-register the files then it was to fix the issue.

  • Sometimes "application extension" files (.DLL or .OCX) must be manually registered to properly support functions in a program such as CTI Navigator. A variety of ActiveX, Automation, or "Run-time" type errors can result when associated application extension files (also called ActiveX controls) are not registered in Windows for use by the requesting program. Click on the appropriate topic in the list below to go directly to information relevant to that topic: Register dll or ocx file in Windows Vista, 7, 8.1, or 10

  • Register dll or ocx file in Windows XP (or earlier Windows)

  • Un-register dll or ocx files

  • Security and Active X Controls Enable ActiveX Specifically for CTI Navigator

To register an ActiveX control (dll or ocx) file in Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 or 10:

Note 3: If you are using Windows Vista, you can add a file to the Windows Vista registry that will allow you to right-click on any DLL file and simply select Register or Unregister (without going through the detailed commands). To add the Register and Unregister command to your right-click menu, go to > click Save > right-click on the saved file in your Vista > select Merge > accept the registry change notice. To also add a file to the Windows Vista registry that will allow you to right-click on any OCX file to register or unregister it, go to > click Save > right-click on the saved file in your Vista > select Merge > accept the registry change notice. Warning: Before making any registry changes, Microsoft highly recommends that you make a backup of your registry (see related article below).

In versions of Windows prior to Vista, or with User Account Control (UAC) turned off in Windows Vista, 7, or 8, ActiveX files (such as .dll or .ocx) can be registered by double-clicking on the filename in Windows Explorer ("File Explorer" in Windows 8). If opening, running, or double-clicking on a file with a .dll extension (Dynamic Link Library) or an .ocx extension (OLE Control Extension) brings up an "Open With" screen: click "Select the program from a List" and click OK > click the "Browse" (or "Other") button on the lower right of the screen > progressively select directories and change the "Look-in" box on the next screen to C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe > double-click on regsvr32.exe (or click the Open button) > verify that "Microsoft Register Server" is highlighted in the Programs list > verify that a check mark is in the "Always Use" box on the lower left of the Open With screen > click the OK button on the "Open With" screen. A message should appear indicating that the registration succeeded. Click the OK button on the RegSvr32 message screen.

Sometimes files need to be un-registered and then re-registered tooperate properly. To un-register a 32-bit Windows system file and then re-register it in a version of Windows without User Account Control (prior to Vista) or with UAC turned off (in a 32-bit version of Windows Vista, 7, or 8):

Note 5: To register or unregister a file not in the Windows system folder using the Windows Run command, youmust enter the full path to the file enclosed by quotation marks after the Regsvr32or Regsvr32 /u command. For example, to register the Announcement file in CTI Navigator run Regsvr32"C:\Program Files\Cti Navigator\CtiAnnouncement.dll". Ensure that you type the correct drive letter and the correct folder (Program Files or Program Files (x86)) in the path.

The need to unregister this DLL is because of US Government DoD requirements. STIG is the term for the list of requirements they publish. The 'vendor' in this case is Microsoft.. which is why I'm posting on the Microsoft forum..

Or just try to rename this dll file, usually then wait for the "System File Checker" to replace the file from the dll cache.If that still fail to resolve it.Try to "regsvr32 scrrun.dll" to re-register the file again.

In my cases, enabling it broke my apps. The workaround would be to re-register it, every time i needed it enabled, then disabling it again... got old, got it justified. I realize this might not help your issue, but if i were you i would get more/others input from the internet in regards on how much a hardache this can do, and how it can disable installs/apps.

When I tried registering the system32 dll using regsvr32, I came across this error :"p2sodbc.dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found.This file can not be registered."Help out guyz...

Brief history : I was getting an "error 20532".. searching around, came to knw that it was caused due to p2sodbc.dll file..I found p2sodbc.dll file was missing from the test pc. I copied it from the devlopment pc to the system32 folder of the test pc.When I tried registering the dll using regsvr32, I came across this error.Thought that it might be corrupted, i even downloaded from net but it also didnt helped..

2)The error indicates that the DLL is either not a COM DLL or it's corrupt. If it's not a COM DLL and not being used as a COM DLL by an application then there is no need to register it. If it is corrupt, get a fresh copy and replace the corrupted one.

3) You usually get this error when the dll exists, but is not of correct type (ie: non com dll, but one like the Api dll) or it is for a different Os version (ie: a dll wich is developed for win9x and you're trying to register it on Win Xp...) - Get the correct version for Windows XP

thanks for the support..okay.. got the first 2 points and worked on 3rd point. still getting RunTime Error 20532. Cannot find database DLL.So, in this case, if the error is not due to p2sodbc.dll, do you have any idea about the cause of this error..??I am listing out the dlls and ocx being used in the project, if u could help finding the resolution for the errordao360.dllmsstdfmt.dllscrrun.dllMSBIND.DLLcraxddrt.dllmsado15.dllstdole2.tlbdbgrid32.ocxmsflxgrd.ocxmsmask32.ocxcomdlg32.ocxsysinfo.ocxtabctl32.ocxMSCOMCTL.OCXmscomct2.ocxcomctl32.ocxMSADODC.OCXMSHFLXGD.OCXCrystl32.OCXcselexpt.ocx

A word of caution, if your DLL is supposed to extend Windows Explorer with a context menu or property pane on some file type extentions (FTEs), Windows 64-bit will allow you to successfully register it, but 64-bit Windows Explorer ignores the registry key where these registrations go because it simply can not load 32-bit DLLs into its 64-bit process.


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