2019 Cyber Monday Sales Breaks Record ((NEW))
Ottawa, Canada - December 1, 2020 - Shopify Inc. (NYSE:SHOP)(TSX:SHOP), a leading global commerce company, announced today Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend results, with sales of $5.1+ billion from the more than one million Shopify-powered brands around the world. From November 27 through November 30, total sales grew by 76% from the $2.9+ billion reported for Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend in 2019, a record that was surpassed this year on Saturday, November 28, at 5:00pm ET.
2019 Cyber Monday sales breaks record
Topline: With the busy holiday shopping season well under way, Cyber Monday raked in a new record of more than $9 billion in sales, marking the first day in history when consumers spent over $3 billion using their smartphones, the latest report from Adobe Analytics shows.
Big number: As of December 3, the holiday season has generated a record $81.5 billion in total online sales so far, Adobe Analytics data shows. Overall holiday spending for 2019 is predicted to hit $143.8 billion, compared with $126 billion last year.
Holland America Line, too, broke its Black Friday record. The brand reported nearly 20% more in sales volume than on Black Friday 2019, and more than 10% higher from Black Friday to Cyber Monday overall. Alaska sailings did particularly well: Black Friday reservations were up more than 60% compared to the holiday period in 2019, and up more than 25% for the period from Black Friday through Cyber Monday.
Cyber Monday hit a record $10.8 billion in the U.S., up 15.1% from $9.4 billion in 2019, making it the largest online shopping day in U.S. history, according to Adobe Analytics. Mobile commerce slipped slightly from Black Friday, accounting for 37% of ecommerce sales vs. 40% on the other mega shopping day.
The Monday after Thanksgiving is traditionally when cruise lines see increased bookings spurred on by various discounts. However, this year, Carnival Cruise Line broke all records, as Cyber Monday 2022 saw 50% more bookings than what has always been the best year so far, 2019.
The pent-up demand for cruising has manifested in multiple ways in 2022, said Duffy, as Carnival was the first major cruise line to have its entire fleet back in operation. Earlier this year, the company saw its busiest booking week in its history, from March 28-April 3, showing a double-digit increase from its previous record seven-day booking total. Carnival now has more capacity (measured by available lower berth days, or ALBDs) than it was sailing in 2019.
In 2017, Cyber Monday online sales grew to a record of $6.59 billion, compared with $2.98 billion in 2015, and $2.65 billion in 2014. However, the average order value was $128, down slightly from 2014's $160.[3] The Cyber Monday on November 30, 2020 was the biggest online shopping day in U.S. history with a total of $10.7 billion in online spending.[4]
In 2010, comScore reported the first-ever $1 billion online shopping day ($1028M), an increase of 16 percent over 2009.[36] In 2011, comScore reported that Cyber Week saw US consumers spend over $6 billion online from November 28 to December 2.[37] In 2012, comScore reported that Cyber Monday saw a 16% increase in sales from 2011, totaling $1.5 billion.[38] In 2013, Cyber Monday sales continued their growth and recorded their highest grossing day ever at $2.29 billion.[39]
In 2016, according to Adobe Digital Insights,[42] Cyber Monday hit a new record with $3.45 billion, and which was the first time that online sales in one single day surpassed $3 billion in US history. The numbers went up 12.1% from the previous year.[43]
It was the second-largest online spending day in U.S. history, coming in behind Cyber Monday 2019. Adobe expects Cyber Monday 2020 to become the largest online sales day in history, with spending between $10.8 billion (15% year-over-year growth) and $12.7 billion (35% year over year growth).
This is the third time Royal Caribbean said it has broken a booking record this year. The first time was a record-breaking week in late March. In October, the brand noted a new single largest booking day when sales opened for the Icon of the Seas, which is scheduled to debut in January 2024.
Holland America Line also reported record-high Black Friday sales, noting that Alaska bookings led the way. Black Friday sales were close to 20% higher than in 2019, according to HAL. From Black Friday to Cyber Monday, HAL said booking volume exceeded 2019 by more than 10%.
NRF is predicting a record-breaking holiday sales season through Dec. 31, up 6% to 8% from last year. But all that spending may be concentrated on more essential items, as well as those that are discounted.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are big shopping days in the U.S. How big? Online sales over the two days totaled $14 billon in 2018, including record Black Friday sales of over $6 billion, one third of which came from mobile. Cyber Monday broke records as well, hauling in nearly $8 billion in online sales. The total of $14 billion represented 23% growth over 2017.
Cyber Monday is still holding up as the biggest online shopping day of the year, even though many of the same deals have been available online for weeks and the name harks back to the days of dial-up modems. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1453799284784-2'); ); Shoppers are expected to spend a record $9.4 billion on purchases made on their phones and computers Monday, up about 19% from last year's Cyber Monday, according to Adobe Analytics, which tracks transactions at 80 of the top 100 U.S. online stores.The busiest time is expected to be in the hour before midnight, as people race to take advantage of discounts before they disappear.Cyber Monday was created by retailers in 2005 to get people to shop online at a time when high-speed internet was rare and the iPhone didn't exist. The idea was to encourage people to shop at work, where faster connections made it easier to browse, when they returned from the Thanksgiving break."It's somewhat antiquated," said Rob Graf, vice president of strategy and insights at cloud computing company Salesforce, which tracks shopping behavior of the online stores that use its platform. "But retailers are still using it as a big milestone and driving heavy discounts."At least one brand played up Cyber Monday's origins: Bonobos, the men's clothing seller owned by Walmart Inc., photographed models posing with clunky computers and black-and-white TVs for its site. In this Feb. 9, 2018, file photo packages move down a conveyor system were they are directed to the proper shipping area at the new Amazon Fulfillment Center in Sacramento, Calif. "Cyber Monday" is still holding up as the biggest online shopping day of the year, even though the same deals have been available online for weeks and the name harks back to the days of dial-up modems. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File) "Boot up the dial-up," one of its Cyber Monday ads said.On average, retailers offered 30% off on Monday, the steepest discounts of the year, according to Salesforce.Some have been offering deals for days. Amazon started offering Cyber Monday deals on Saturday, calling the three-day extravaganza "Cyber Monday Weekend."Walmart kicked off online discounts for the holidays a week before Halloween. It was a way to combat the shortened holiday shopping season.Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This year, that was Nov. 28, cutting the typical time between Thanksgiving and Christmas by nearly a week, making it the shortest stretch between the two holidays since 2013.Adobe said the bestselling toys on Cyber Monday were those related to the "Frozen 2" movie, "Paw Patrol" show and the LOL Surprise brand. TVs from Samsung and laptops by Apple were also hot sellers. And Amazon's devices, such as its voice activated Echo, did well, too. In this Nov. 26, 2019, photo a UPS man delivers a package to a residence in North Andover, Mass. "Cyber Monday" is still holding up as the biggest online shopping day of the year, even though the same deals have been available online for weeks and the name harks back to the days of dial-up modems. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) Not all online shopping ended with a box being delivered. Despite frightful weather in parts of the U.S. this weekend, buying online and picking up in a store has become a popular option, growing 43% so far from last year."These services are breathing new life into physical stores," Adobe said. "And we expect growth to climb as we get closer to Christmas." 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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